Happy Independence Day

We are celebrating our 72nd Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotism. It was a day in 1947 when India attained its long sought after freedom from the British rule.
We all know India’s struggle for independence. Many of the Lion hearted people sacrificed their lives for the nation.


We got Freedom… but with freedom comes the great responsibilities. If you don’t want to take responsibility, you can’t have freedom either.

We all are suffering from the atmosphere full of protests and dishonor. This needs to stop somewhere !
Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy.


Violence cost the Indian economy a whopping USD 1.19 trillion (over Rs 80 lakh crore) last year in constant purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, which amounts to roughly USD 595.4 per person, says a report.

Maharashtra bandh: Loss of over

Maharashtra violence echoes in Parl; RSS blames 'breaking India brigade'

Rs 7 bn as protests put brakes on business

We really need to rethink is this a right way ……I guess not…

Violent Protests isn’t the only problem, faster growing population is also the big concern.

India is home to 1.34 billion people – 18% of the world’s population. It will have overtaken China as the world’s most populous country by 2024. It has the world’s largest youth population, but isn’t yet fully capturing this potential demographic dividend – over 30% of India’s youth are NEETs (not in employment, education or training), according to the OECD.

When it comes to closing the gender gap, India has a lot of catching up to….
When it comes to closing the gender gap, India has a lot of catching up to
India needs to get more women working
India definitely is a GREAT COUNTRY….but if we want to make it GREATEST, we all need to come together, work together in a peaceful manner.

International rankings of India

to see where we are.. and decide where we want to see India and work accordingly.

At last I want to wish you all the Happy Independence Day!


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